William S. Burroughs American writers and visual artists
- 52 minutes
- English
- 1999
Jean-François VALLEE
- Zarafa Films , France 3 , Lilith Production , 13 Production
Images & Biography Of One Of The Most Remaquable American Writers
Like most visionaries, William Burroughs takes his inner war outside the walls, to fight against the evil spirits of power and control that roam the human race. How do these “alien spirit” get us to want always more, better, newer, disregarding the consequences?
For W Burroughs, it’simple: we are the junky and the pusher, locked in a deadly embrace of desire. With his unique experience, Prof. Burroughs teaches us ” the algebra of need”, tenaciously, while his ferocious alter ego William Seward blast us with sensory overload, sulfuric humor, to kill our larval defenses and destroy the contols, the rackets, the “Nova Mob” that enslave us : a lesson paid for in blood.

William S. Burroughs American writers and visual artists
Borrowing the author’s telescoping imagery, the film attempt to follow his trips, real and imaginary, pauses a little to tell the story, and goes on to the next stage of Burroughs’ “voyage in inner space”, where he mixes and cuts his way toward space, out of the slavery of time, to freedom and death.
America and a 180-degree change in a book
William Burroughs is one of the idols of the younger generation in America. His novel “Naked Lunch” was first published in 1959, chased by courts and critics, now celebrating frantically in many parts of the United States and France.
For the first time, this “indecent” work was published in 1959 by secret publisher Olympia Press in Paris. Despite being critically criticized on his own country and thus coming to American readers later. (in 1962), but until now, “Naked Lunch” is one of the main monuments and symbols of 20th century American literature.
In 2006, the US Library of New York Public Library acquired the legacy of William Burroughs. This legacy includes the manuscript of the novel “Naked Lunch” with articles and manuscripts of the writer who composed during 1950-1970.
This document will be part of the library’s Berg Collection. Isaac Gewirtz, Berg Collection manager, said: “Burroughs is not only one of the three initiators of the Beat movement but he is also one of America’s most famous satirical writers of the twentieth century.”
Burroughs writes this novel in Morocco. The original version of the novel is actually a collection of sporadic notes, which were corrected by two writers of the writer, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Dressed in the “Naked Lunch” a dignified wing, writers can announce it in France.
In 1992, the literary and artistic circles came up to discuss the novel when the movie of the same name appeared on the screen by David Kronenberg.
And in June this year, a special publication entitled “Naked Lunch @ 50: Anniversary Essays” was published. This is the first complete book devoted to “Naked Lunch”, featuring unique reviews by authors around the world, including not only writers and researchers, but also musicians and artists. artists and representatives of other arts industries.
In the preface, the authors write: “We hope that this publication will create a new basis for understanding this unique, unreadable book by Burroughs.
When compiling the book, they I try to present it in a historical context so readers can compare the reception of the book with the present, because they are very different, in addition, we want to prove that there are many ways to read , that is, there are many ways to understand this book. “
Along with the publication of the said work, in the US and France, where the book was first published, 50 years of “Naked Lunch” activities will take place.
The celebration will be carried out along with the screening of documentary films and art films built into a series of Burroughs books. In addition there will be activities such as reading and analyzing writers’ novels, art performances with the participation of musicians whose works are influenced by William Burroughs.
Demonstrations and marches will take place on the streets of Paris, round tables discussing the topics raised in Burroughs’ work.
The main event of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the “Naked Lunch” novel is the construction of the William Burroughs memorial beer on Je de Ker Street in Paris, which was previously the location of the hotel where Burroughs once stopped. Festivals to commemorate the legendary American writer in France will take place from June 30 to July 3, 2009
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