The bottom of a box has a surface area of 31.4cm2. The mass of the box is 47.1 kilograms. Acceleration due to gravity at s3a level is 9.80 m


The bottom of a box has a surface area of 31.4cm2. The mass of the box is 47.1 kilograms. Acceleration due to gravity at s3a level is 9.80 m/s2. What pressure is exerted by the box where it rests ?

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Diễm Kiều 3 years 2021-07-24T13:38:17+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

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    The correct answer to the physics problem in pressure given above would be 1.5 N.


    First, I converted the cm^2 to m^ 2 (31.4 cm^2 = .00314 m^2).

    Then I computed for the force (F= mg = (47.1kg)(9.8m/s^2) = 461.58 N)  

    Consequently, I used the equation of pressure (P = Force/Area).

    P = 461.58 N / .00314 m^2

    P = 1.47 or 1.5 N


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