If a person can comfortably carry 20 kg (44 lbs) and gold has a density of 19.6 g/cm3, what is the volume of the largest piece of solid gold


If a person can comfortably carry 20 kg (44 lbs) and gold has a density of 19.6 g/cm3, what is the volume of the largest piece of solid gold a person can carry

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Sapo 3 years 2021-08-11T06:05:19+00:00 1 Answers 52 views 0

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    1.02×10⁻³ m³


    Density = mass/volume.

    D = m/V…………………equation 1

    Make V the subject of the equation

    V = m/D……………….. Equation 2

    Where V = Volume of the largest piece of solid gold a person can carry, D = Density of the Gold, m = mass a person can comfortably carry.

    Given: m = 20 kg, D = 19.6 g/cm³ = 19.6(1000000/1000) kg/m³ = 19600 kg/m³

    Substitute into equation 2

    V = 20/19600

    V = 1.02×10⁻³ m³

    Hence the volume of the largest piece of solid gold a person can carry = 1.02×10⁻³ m³

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