A 4.2 cm diameter circular loop of wire is in a 1.14 T magnetic field. The loop is removed from the field in 0.18 s. Assume that the loop is


A 4.2 cm diameter circular loop of wire is in a 1.14 T magnetic field. The loop is removed from the field in 0.18 s. Assume that the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field. What is the average induced emf?

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Philomena 3 years 2021-08-27T07:02:10+00:00 1 Answers 18 views 0

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    Given Information:

    Diameter of loop = d = 4.2 cm = 0.042 m

    Magnetic field = B = 1.14 T

    Time = Δt = 0.18 s

    Required Information:

    EMF = ?


    EMF = 0.417 V


    The Faraday’s Law of Induction relates induced EMF and the time rate of change of magnetic flux which is given by

    EMF = -ΔФ/Δt

    EMF = -AΔB/Δt

    Where A is the area of circular loop and ΔB is the change in magnetic field

    A = πr²

    A = π(d/2)²

    A = π(0.042/2)²

    A = 0.0659 m²

    EMF = -0.0659*(0 – 1.14)/0.18

    EMF = -0.0659*(-1.14)/0.18

    EMF = 0.417 V

    Therefore, the average induced EMF in circular loop of wire is 0.417 Volts

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