3. Growth of Cholera bacteria. Suppose that the cholera bacteria in a colony grows unchecked according to the Law of Exponential Change. The


3. Growth of Cholera bacteria. Suppose that the cholera bacteria in a colony grows unchecked according to the Law of Exponential Change. The colony starts with 1 bacterium and doubles in number every half hour. a. How many bacteria will the colony contain at the end of 24 h

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Dâu 3 years 2021-08-09T11:06:13+00:00 1 Answers 56 views 0

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    2.814 * 10^14

    Step-by-step explanation:

    For exponential growth:

    A = A0*e^kt

    A = final amount ; A0 = initial amount ; t = time

    Since bacterium doubles ever half hour ;

    In 1 hour number of bacterium will be 2² = 4


    Final amount after 1 hour

    4 = 1*e^k*1

    4 =e^k

    Take In of both sides

    In(4) = k

    Number of bacterium in 24 hours

    A = 1*e^In4 * 24

    A = e^24In4

    A = e^33.271064

    A = 281474976710656

    A = 2.814 * 10^14

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