Who is Gabriel García Márquez?
Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez (Aracataca, Magdalena, March 6, 1927nota 1-Mexico City, April 17, 20142) (Icon speaker. SVG listens) is a writer, screenwriter, editor and reporter. Colombian. In 1982, he received the Nobel Prize for literature. Information form DocumenTv.
He is known for his nickname Gabo, and his friends Gabito (Hipocorístico Guajiro de Gabriel).

Gabriel García Márquez biography of editor of Colombian talent
It is related to magic realism and its most famous work, the 100 Years of solitude novel, is considered one of the most representative of this literary entertainment movement, and it even It is considered by the success of the novel that the term applies to L Iteratura emerging from 1960 in Latin America.
The Royal Spanish Academy and the Academies of the Spanish Language publish a popular edition celebrating this work, as part of the Great Spanish classics of All Time. time.
He is famous for his genius like ESCR
The childhood of Gabriel’s child history chose García and Luisa Santiaga Márquez Iguarán, born in Aracataca, Magdalena, Colombia, «Sunday, March 6, 1928 at 9:00 in the morning …», as the writer mentions himself in his memoirs. 9 when In love parents, Luisa’s father, Col.
Nicolás Ricardo Márquez Mejía, objecting to this relationship, because Gabriel chose García, who came to Aracataca as a phone writer, not that he was considered to be the most appropriate for his daughter, because The son of a conservative Colombian, and a Womanizer I confess.
With the intention of separating them, Luisa was sent out of the city, but Gabriel chose to flirt with violin serenades, love poetry, countless letters and regular messages Telegraph.
Eventually, his family invested and Luisa had permission to marry Gabriel who had chosen, this happened on June 11, 1928 at Santa Marta.
His grandfather died in 1936, when Gabriel was eight years old. Due to his grandmother’s blindness, he went to live with his parents in Sucre, a town located in Sucre province, where his father worked as a pharmacist.
His childhood was told in his memoirs to tell it. 9 after 24 years of absence, in 2007 he returned to Aracataca to commemorate that the Colombian government had given him 80 years of life and 40 since the first edition of 100 years of solitude.
Education and growth of Gabriel García Márquez
Shortly after arriving in Sucre, it was decided that Gabriel should start his formal education and be sent to a boarding school in Barranquilla, a port at the mouth of the Magdalena River. There, he earned a reputation as a shy guy who wrote funny poems and drew funny strips.
Serious and less athletic, he was named The Old Man by his classmates. 11 García Márquez was in the first grade of a high school in the seminary named San José (today the Instituto San José) since 1940, where he published his first poems in the Youth School magazine.
Later, thanks to a government-funded scholarship, Gabriel was sent to study in Bogotá, where he was transferred to Liceo Nacional de Zipaquirá, a city located an hour from the capital, where he completed high school studies. mine.
Throughout his passage through Bogota researchers, Garcia Marquez emphasized in some sports, becoming the captain of the Lyceum team of Zipaquirá in three football disciplines.
Marriage and family in his childhood, when he visited his parents in Sucre, he met Mercedes Barcha, also the daughter of an apothecary, at a student dance and immediately decided that He married her when he completed his research.
Indeed, Garcia Marquez married in May 1958 in Barranquilla’s Our Lady’s permanent relief church with Mercedes “which he proposed to marry since his thirteen years.”
Mercedes is described by one of the writer’s biographers as “a tall woman and L Inda with brown hair to the shoulders, the niece of an Egyptian immigrant, which seems to express itself in cheekbones large and dark brown eyes.
Garcia Márquez has been referring to Mercedes continuously and with proud affection; When he talked about his friendship with Fidel Castro, for example, he observed, “Fidel trusts Mercedes even more than me.” 8 in 1959 they had their first child, Rodrigo, who became a filmmaker, and
Garcia Marquez’s notorious world reputation began when 100 years of solitude was published in June 1967 and for a week sold 8000 copies.
After that, success was assured and the novel sold a new version every week, switching to selling half a million copies in three years.
It has been translated into more than twenty-five languages and won six international awards. Success finally came and writers were 40 years old when the world learned its name.
By admiring letters, awards, interviews and clear appearances that his life has changed. In 1969, the Chianciano award-winning novel appreciated in Italy and was called “the best foreign book” in France.
In 1970, it was published in English and was selected as one of the 12 best books of the year in the United States. Two years later he was awarded the Romulo Gallegos and the Neustadt Prize and in 1971, Mario Vargas Llosa published a book about his life and work.
From 1986 to 1988, García Márquez lived and worked in Mexico D.f., Havana and Cartagena de Indias. In 1987, there was a celebration in America and Europe of the twentieth anniversary of the first edition of 100 years solitude.
He not only wrote books, he also completed his first play text, a love rant against a sitting man.
In 1988 the film was released a very old man with giant wings, director Fernando Birri, adaptation of the story of the same name. In 1995, Caro and Cuervo published in two episodes of the important repertoire of Gabriel García Márquez.
In 1996 García M Árquez published a kidnapping news, where he combined orientation of journalism testimonials and his own narrative style.
This story represents the enormous wave and abduction of Colombia continues to face. In 1999, American Jon Lee Anderson published a book revealing Garcia Márquez, which he had the opportunity.
Literary career journalist “Gabo” in 1984, wearing a vueltiao hat, typical of the Colombian Caribbean.
García Márquez started his career as a journalist while studying law at university. In 1948 and 1949 he wrote for the newspaper El Universal de Cartagena. From 1950 to 1952, he wrote a “disagreement” column with the pseudonym “Septimus” for the local newspaper El Heraldo de Barranquilla.
García Márquez noted his time at The Herald. During this time, he became an active member of a group of writers and journalists called Barranquilla, an association that was a great force and inspiration for his literary career.
He works with characters like José Félix Fuenmayor, Ramón Vinyes, Alfonso Fuenmayor, Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Germán Vargas, Alejandro Obregón,
Orlando Rivera “figurine” and Julio Mario Santo Domingo, among others. 19 García Márquez uses, for example, Ramon Vinyes, who will be described as a gentle scholar “
Most of the lonely important topics are the subject of loneliness that surpasses most of García Márquez’s works.
Pelayo notes that “love in the Times of Cholera, like all Gabriel García Márquez’s works, explores the loneliness of people and humans …
Portrait through loneliness of love and being in love. “32 Pliny Apuleyo Mendoza asked him:” If loneliness is the subject of all your books, where should we look for the roots of this excess? In your childhood perhaps? Garcia Márquez replied: I think it is a problem that everyone has.
Everyone has their own form and means to express it. The feeling of a lot of writers’ work is revealed, although some of them may express unconsciousness.
10 in his speech on the Nobel Prize, the loneliness of Latin America, refers to this issue of loneliness related to Latin America: «The actual interpretation of us with other people’s projects Only contribute to us every time.
Culture and mural about García Márquez in Aracataca, Colombia.
In some of García Márquez’s works, among them the colonels had no one to write for him, bad times and junk, with exquisite references about, that civil war between conservatives and free drags. long until the sixties, causing death several hundred thousand Colombians.
They are references to unfair situations of living different characters, such as curfews or censorship journalism. The bad hours, which are not one of García Márquez’s most famous novels, stand out for its role with a fragmented image of social disintegration it stimulates.
It can be said that in works that become a story, through the apparent vain (or service) of a great deal of blood and death. ”18 However, although García Márquez describes corruption. and injustice of the period in Colombia, SE Nieg.
The wonderful life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Gabriel Garcia Marquez once said: “Everyone has 3 lives: common life, private life and secret life”. With the cooperation of Marquez, Gerald Martin discovered 3 lives in the famous 20th century realist writer in “Gabriel Garcia Márquez: A Life”.
Martin spent 17 years collecting documents and conducted 300 interviews to write a biography. As a result, many details that he never knew about the author Hundred Years of Solitude were revealed by him.
García Márquez became the world famous Latin American novelist starting in 1967 when his Hundred Years of Solitude was published.
García Márquez and his enigmatic wife Mercedes Barcha used to pledge all their possessions (refrigerators, jewelry, hair dryers) to live during the novel’s writing.
One day, the couple went to the theater. When they arrived, a light came from where it came from, following it until they sat down on the chair. Suddenly someone shouted, “Hooray.” Another person said, “Your novel.”
A few minutes later, the auditorium slumped down and hailed the talented writer. A friend of Marquez said: “In that miraculous moment, I saw a reputation like falling from the sky, and Marquez was enveloped in something that could not be destroyed through time.”
Reputation continues to follow García Márquez decades later, when every new book he publishes is better than the previous one. Then the writer won the Nobel Prize in 1982.
At that time, Gabo published more of Autumn of the Patriarch (1975) and Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Journal of a preceded death – 1981).
Other masterpieces like Love in the Time of the Cholera (1985) and The General in His Labyrinth (the lethargic General of 1989 – …) have not yet been born.
“Everyone has become my friend since the Hundred Years of Loneliness debuted,” Gabo once told a friend at the table.
To date, there have been thousands of memoirs and documents about Marquez. These books are full of anecdotes and stories that only half are true about writers.
Mostly, they were scattered by the mischievous writer. According to Martin’s observation, “Marquez tells a lot of stories about his life but tells each other a different story. However, every story has a bit of truth in it.”
Gabo was born in 1927 in Aracataca, a small town with a population of less than 10,000 people (mostly illiterate) in a banana growing region in Colombia. The first person who greatly influenced the writer was grandfather – Nicolás Márquez Mejía – a famous jeweler in the region.
Márquez Mejía loves her smart and sensitive grandchild. Gabo lived with his grandfather until he was 9 years old, when his father-in-law made the whole family fall into the wild to earn a living by taking medicine.
Martin said that the seed that made Hundred Years of Solitude and fanciful realism was cultivated very early, when Gabo lived in Aracataca. Many events and characters in the book are taken from people and the story takes place in small towns.
But the fanciful realism, according to Martin, is rooted in the writer’s grandmother – Mrs. Tranquilina – a superstitious woman who always sets the schedule for the day based on signs such as: black thunder, butterflies. , dreams, funerals passed …
So, Gabo was raised at the same time in two contradictory philosophies. Granddad is very rational, accurate, scientific and grandmother is very idealistic.
In addition, the biography depicts Marquez’s hostile attitude toward his father, telling him to go to the brothel at the age of 13, when he won a scholarship at school, his courtship with Mercedes.
Knight style from the age of 9, his admiration of writer Virginia Woolf, the wrath of writers of the wrath of Mario Vargas Llosa and his infatuation with Spanish actress Tachia Quintana – the beauty that made him write No One Writes to the Colonel (Colonel waiting for the letter).
The quotations of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry.
Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry. With both you are working with reality, a material just as hard as wood.
It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.
The heart’s memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good.
Always remember that the most important thing in a good marriage is not happiness, but stability.
Fiction was invented the day Jonas arrived home and told his wife that he was three days late because he had been swallowed by a whale.
If God hadn’t rested on Sunday, He would have had time to finish the world.
No, not rich. I am a poor man with money, which is not the same thing.
The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast.
A person doesn’t die when he should but when he can.
Never stop smiling not even when you’re sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
Become a better person and be sure to know who you are, before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.
What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.
A lie is more comfortable than doubt, more useful than love, more lasting than truth.
There will always be people who’ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful.
A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father.
Don’t spend time with someone, who doesn’t care spending it with you.
There is always something left to love.
All human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret.
A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.
Perhaps this is what the stories meant when they called somebody heartsick. Your heart and your stomach and your whole insides felt empty and hollow and aching.
Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people, before you meet the right one, so when it happens you’ll be thankful.
The worst way to miss someone is, to be seated by him/her and know you’ll never have him/her.
The adolescents of my generation, greedy for life, forgot in body and soul about their hopes for the future until reality taught them that tomorrow was not what they had dreamed, and they discovered nostalgia.
They were so close to each other that they preferred death to separation.
Nothing in this world was more difficult than love.
It’s enough for me to be sure that you and I exist at this moment.
Don’t struggle so much, best things happen when not expected.
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Gabriel García Márquez, Eréndira (film), Love in the Time of Cholera, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Culture, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Magic realism, The Solitude of Latin America, The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor, Leaf Storm, Literature, Latin American Boom,
Human activities, Macondo, Fidel Castro, Nobel Prize in Literature, El Espectador, Colombia, Venezuela, La Violencia, Latin America, Novel, Reality, No One Writes to the Colonel, Cuba, Latin American literature, Aracataca, Bogotazo, Short story, Fiction,
Jomí García Ascot, 19th of April Movement, Writer, National Liberation Army (Colombia), María Luisa Elío, Barranquilla, Bogotá, The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother, Memories of My Melancholy Whores, Dictator novel,
Juan Manuel Santos, Politics, Public sphere, Socialism, Arts, Narration, Living to Tell the Tale, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Spain, Mexico, Journalism, Pablo Escobar, Alejo Carpentier, Ideology, United States, Mario Vargas Llosa, Writing, Entertainment, Colombian literature,
Realism (arts), Medellín Cartel, Spanish-language literature, Juan Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes, Shipwreck, The Autumn of the Patriarch, William Faulkner, Feeling, Cuban exile, Love and Other Demons, Love in the Time of Cholera (film), Newspaper, Conservatism,
Reinaldo Arenas, History, Book, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Novella, Oedipus Rex, Barranquilla Group, Novelist, Social institutions, Communication, Psychology, Liberalism, Marcos Pérez Jiménez
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