You park your car, and start walking west on Robinson Street at a speed of 2.1 m/s. After 16 minutes, you turn left. It really is a beautifu


You park your car, and start walking west on Robinson Street at a speed of 2.1 m/s. After 16 minutes, you turn left. It really is a beautiful day out, and so you slow your speed to 1.1 m/s and continue walking to the south on Rosalind Avenue for another 12 minutes. At this point, you realize that you have a library book on hold at the downtown branch, and decide to make a quick detour to pick it up. You turn right and jog west at a speed of 3.4 m/s for 28 seconds to cross the street before the light changes. At this point, how far (in meters) are you from your car?

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Thiên Di 3 years 2021-09-04T12:21:32+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

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    The distance is 2077.77m

    Step-by-step explanation:


    Represent speed with s and time with t

    (s_1, t_1) = (2.1m/s,16min) —- Left

    (s_2, t_2) = (1.1m/s,12min) — South

    (s_3, t_3) = (3.4m/s,28sec) —- Right


    How far are you from your car?

    distance=speed * time

    To solve this question, I will use the attached image to illustrate the movement.

    First, we calculate distance AB

    Using: (s_1, t_1) = (2.1m/s,16min) —- Left

    d_1 = s_1 * t_1

    d_1 = 2.1m/s * 16min

    Convert min to secs

    d_1 = 2.1m/s * 16*60s

    d_1 = 2016m

    AB = 2016m

    Next, we calculate the distance BC

    Using: (s_2, t_2) = (1.1m/s,12min) — South

    d_2 = 1.1m/s * 12min

    d_2 = 1.1m/s * 12*60s

    d_2 = 792m

    BC = 792m

    Next, we calculate distance CD

    Using: (s_3, t_3) = (3.4m/s,28sec) —- Right

    d_3 = 3.4m/s * 28s

    d_3 = 95.2m

    CD = 95.2m

    The distance between you and the car is represented as AD.

    Considering triangle AOD, we have:

    AD^2 = AO^2 + OD^2


    AO = AB  - BO


    BO = CD


    AO = AB - CD = 2016m - 95.2m

    AO = 1920.8m

    OD = BC

    OD = 792m

    The equation becomes:

    AD^2 = AO^2 + OD^2

    AD^2 = 1920.9^2 + 792^2

    AD^2 = 4317120.81m^2

    AD= \sqrt{4317120.81m^2

    AD= 2077.76822817 m

    AD= 2077.77 m — approximated

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