You are holding a 1 kg rock and standing at the top of a cliff. You drop the rock off the cliff and it falls a distance 10 m. In this proble


You are holding a 1 kg rock and standing at the top of a cliff. You drop the rock off the cliff and it falls a distance 10 m. In this problem, you can ignore air resistance.
What is the change in the kinetic energy of the rock as it falls that distance?

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Trung Dũng 3 years 2021-08-26T19:57:30+00:00 1 Answers 106 views 0

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    Given that the mass of the rock m=1kg, the height =10m and we know that gravitational force is g=9.8N/kg.

    Change in kinetic energy  happens when the initial potential energy at rest is converted into Kinetic energy as:

    \bigtriangleup KE=\bigtriangleup mgh\\\\=1kg\times 9.8\times10m\\\\=98J

    Hence, the change in kinetic energy of the rock is 98J

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