Why is the number of operators per shift multiplied by approximately 4.5 to obtain the total number of operators required to run the plant


Why is the number of operators per shift multiplied by approximately 4.5 to obtain the total number of operators required to run the plant

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-08-03T15:02:27+00:00 1 Answers 40 views 0

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    I believe you meant “why is the number of shifts multiplied by approximately 4.5 to obtain the total number of operators required to run the plant”

    Answer and Explanation:

    There are 3 shifts per day, 49 weeks per year and 5 shifts per operator per week

    To get total number of operators required to run the plant, we multiply number of shifts in a year by number if operators per shift.

    49 weeks×5 shifts= 245 shifts per operator per year

    365×3 shifts= 1095 shifts per year

    1095/245=4.5 operators per shift

    total number of operators required to run the plant(per day) = 4.5×3= 13.5 approximately 14

    total number of operators required to run the plant(per year) =4.5×1095=4927.5 approximately 4928

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