Why do we say that in metal conductors , electrons move but protons don’t.?please help


Why do we say that in metal conductors , electrons move but protons don’t.?please help

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Euphemia 3 years 2021-09-03T18:46:21+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

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    As with all atoms known, electrons moves in discrete energy levels round a well defined orbit.

    Protons are restricted to the nucleus of an atom. They occupy this small and massive position along with the neutrons.

    Metals, have a large dense cloud of electrons.

    • Every atom is made up of three fundamental particles.
    • Protons, neutrons and electrons are these particles.
    • Protons are positively charged and they occupy the tiny nucleus. Neutrons are found in the nucleus with them. They do not carry any charge.
    • It is correct to infer their position as being fixed.
    • Electrons occupies the bulk of the volume of the atom.
    • They orbit round the tiny nucleus.

    Therefore, it is safe to conclude that in metal conductors, electrons move but protons do not just like in every other atom.

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