Which among the following numbers could be the probability of an event? 1,1.4,-0.54,.32,.02,0


Which among the following numbers could be the probability of an event? 1,1.4,-0.54,.32,.02,0

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Thanh Thu 3 years 2021-07-30T06:16:50+00:00 1 Answers 81 views 0

Answers ( )


    4 Answers:

    1. Choice A) 1
    2. Choice D) 0.32
    3. Choice E) 0.02
    4. Choice F) 0

    In other words, choices B and C are the non-answers while everything else is an answer.



    Let p represent the probability of an event. The value of p must be between 0 and 1, inclusive of both endpoints. Symbolically, we can write 0 \le p \le 1

    In other words, p = 0 is the smallest it can get and p = 1 is the largest it can get, or it could be anything in between.

    The probability p = 0 means that the event will never happen, or there’s 0% of it happening. The probability p = 1 means there’s 100% certainty the event will happen.

    Something like p = 1.4 is not possible as this indicates it’s over 100%. So that rules out choice B. Choice C is also ruled out because we can’t have negative probabilities.

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