What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment? (physically science lab report)​


What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment?

(physically science lab report)​

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Trung Dũng 3 years 2021-07-17T20:51:43+00:00 2 Answers 46 views 0

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    I hypothesis that the motion involving the balls in the experiment were moving to create data.


    Answer:The hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment would be :

    1) Experiment of motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.

    2) Experiment of motion( movement) can be performed better in this lab.

    3)  Only experiments of motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.

    4) Experiment of motion( movement) can be performed more accurately in this lab.

    5) No experiment of motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.


    The hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment would be :

    Experiment regarding motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.

    And Conclusion would be:

    This lab is for motion.

    We can only conclude that this lab is for motion when we find out that the motion experiments can be performed better or with higher accuracy or none other experiment can be carried out as easily as the motion experiment.

    We only conclude when we test the hypothesis .

    The hypothesis can be tested in a number of ways such as showing better results, or showing negative results of the said statement.

    So there can be a few hypotheses as follows.

    1) Experiment of motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.

    2) Experiment of motion( movement) can be performed better in this lab.

    3)  Only experiments of motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.

    4) Experiment of motion( movement) can be performed more accurately in this lab.

    5) No experiment of motion( movement) can be performed in this lab.


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