Two​ trains, Train A and Train​ B, weigh a total of 379 tons. Train A is heavier than Train B. The difference of their weights is 255 tons.


Two​ trains, Train A and Train​ B, weigh a total of 379 tons. Train A is heavier than Train B. The difference of their weights is 255 tons. What is the weight of each​ train?

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Kim Cúc 3 years 2021-09-05T08:30:58+00:00 1 Answers 15 views 0

Answers ( )


    Answer: A = 317

    B = 61

    Step-by-step explanation:

    The following equation can be gotten from the question given. This will be:

    A + B = 379 …….. i

    A – B = 255 …….. ii

    From equation i, make A the subject of the formula

    A = 379 – B …… iii

    Put the value of A in iii into equation ii

    A – B = 255

    (379 – B) – B = 255

    379 – B – B = 255

    379 – 2B = 255

    2B = 379-255

    2B = 124

    B = 124/2

    B = 62 tons

    Since A + B = 379

    A + 62 = 379

    A = 379 – 62

    A = 317 tons

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