Today Katherine woke up late. Since her alarm did not go off, she only had 37 minutes to get ready for work. She knows


Today Katherine woke up late. Since her
alarm did not go off, she only had 37
minutes to get ready for work. She knows
it takes 12 minutes to shower and some
amount of minutes, m, to do her
makeup, but it takes a different amount
of time each day. Represent this situation
using an expression.

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niczorrrr 3 years 2021-08-01T15:38:40+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    37+12 = 49

    49 + m is the total time Katherine takes.

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )