The ratio of the number of Sam’s CDs to the number of Alice’s CD’s is 7 to 8. Sam has 84 CDS. Together how many CDs do they have?

The ratio of the number of Sam’s CDs to the number of Alice’s CD’s is 7 to 8. Sam has 84 CDS.
Together how many CDs do they have?

0 thoughts on “The ratio of the number of Sam’s CDs to the number of Alice’s CD’s is 7 to 8. Sam has 84 CDS. Together how many CDs do they have?<br /”

  1. Answer:

    180 CDs

    Step-by-step explanation:

    So if Sam has 84 CDs, and the ratio from Sam to Alice is 7:8, we can do 84/7=12 so each number is equal to 12. Then we add up 7 and 8 and get 15, so we do 15*12 and we get 180.


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