The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero) depending on your answer W


The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero) depending on your answer
Which sentence correctly compares the two numbers 5.395 and 5.385?
05.395 < 5.385
05.385 > 5.395
o 5.395 = 5.385
5.385 < 5.395
Don’t know answer

in progress 0
Hưng Khoa 3 years 2021-07-31T23:00:07+00:00 1 Answers 11 views 0

Answers ( )



    5.385 < 5.395

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Compare digits one by one starting form the left.

    5.395 and 5.385

    The 5s in the ones place are equal.

    5.395 and 5.385

    The 3s in the tenths place are equal.

    5.395 and 5.385

    The 9 in the hundredths place is greater than the 8 in the hundredths place, so the number with the 9 is grater than the number with the 8.

    That makes the number with the 8 less than the number with the 9.

    Answer: 5.385 < 5.395

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