The IQ scores and math test scores of third grade students is given by the regression line ŷ = −23.5 + 0.8534s, where ŷ is the predicted mat


The IQ scores and math test scores of third grade students is given by the regression line ŷ = −23.5 + 0.8534s, where ŷ is the predicted math score and s is the IQ score. An actual math test score for a student is 73.5 with an IQ of 110.
Find and interpret the residual.

−3.13; The regression line underpredicts the student’s math test score.
3.13; The regression line overpredicts the student’s math test score.
3.13; The regression line underpredicts the student’s math test score.
−3.13; The regression line overpredicts the student’s math test score.
82.9; The regression line overpredicts the student’s math test score.

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Tài Đức 3 years 2021-08-14T15:57:05+00:00 1 Answers 24 views 0

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    Answer: 3.13; The regression line underpredicts the student’s math test score.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given the equation of a regression model:

    ŷ = −23.5 + 0.8534s,

    where ŷ = predicted math score

    s = IQ score

    An actual math test score for a student is 73.5 with an IQ of 110.

    Using the model to predict the score is f the student above ;

    ŷ = −23.5 + 0.8534(110)

    ŷ = −23.5 + 93.874

    y = 70.374

    Actual score = 73.5

    Hence, since the actual score is greater Than the predicted score, then the model underpredicted the score by

    Residual = actual – predicted = (73.5 – 70.374) = 3.126 = 3.13

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