The doubling time of a population of flies is 5 hours. By what factor does the population increase in ​29 hours? By what factor does the pop


The doubling time of a population of flies is 5 hours. By what factor does the population increase in ​29 hours? By what factor does the population increase in ​3 weeks?

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Thạch Thảo 3 years 2021-07-22T22:12:51+00:00 1 Answers 158 views 0

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    If it doubles every 8 hours then

    population = initial population * 2 ^ (hours / 8)


    after 26 hours

    population increases by a factor of

    2 ^ (26 / 8) = 9.51365692


    after 1 week, or 168 hours

    population increases by a factor of

    2 ^ (168 / 8) = 2 ^ 21 = 2,097,152

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