your dog has been scratching itself for the past few days. You notice that this scratching is occurring more than usual. When you take him t


your dog has been scratching itself for the past few days. You notice that this scratching is occurring more than usual. When you take him to the veterinarian, the doctor explains that your dog has been infested with fleas. The fleas have been making your dog scratch like crazy, while making a nice little home for themselves within your dog’s fur.

In this scenario, what type of relationship does the dog and the fleas have?

a. mutualism
b. commensalism
c. parasitism

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Philomena 3 years 2021-08-17T06:01:49+00:00 2 Answers 8 views 0

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    Answer: C


    Parasites can cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort and intermittent loose stool, to severe issues such as anemia, skin disease, secondary infections, difficulty breathing, and malnutrition which is why it’s so important to prevent infestations, and, if they do occur, to treat your pet quickly

    The dog is itichingbecause a parasite.




    Sorry if I’m wrong

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