You want the current amplitude through a 0.450-mH inductor (part of the circuitry for a radio receiver) to be 1.90 mA when a sinusoidal volt


You want the current amplitude through a 0.450-mH inductor (part of the circuitry for a radio receiver) to be 1.90 mA when a sinusoidal voltage with an amplitude of 13.0 V is applied across the inductor.What frequency is required?

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Xavia 3 years 2021-08-01T18:50:16+00:00 1 Answers 9 views 0

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    Frequency required will be 2421.127 kHz


    We have given inductance L=0.450H=0.45\times 10^{-3}H

    Current in the inductor i=1.90mA=1.90\times 10^{-3}A

    Voltage v = 13 volt

    Inductive reactance of the circuit X_l=\frac{v}{i}

    X_l=\frac{13}{1.9\times 10^{-3}}=6842.10ohm

    We know that

    X_l=\omega L=2\pi fL

    2\times 3.14\times  f\times 0.45\times 10^{-3}=6842.10

    f = 2421.127 kHz

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