Which of the following regulate stress response, mechanical lode, hormonal signals, and new bone deposits? a. Mechanoreceptors


Which of the following regulate stress response, mechanical lode, hormonal signals, and new bone deposits?
a. Mechanoreceptors
b. Osteoclasts
c. Osteoblasts

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Kim Cúc 4 years 2021-07-23T09:23:11+00:00 1 Answers 178 views 0

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    The correct answer is – a. Mechanoreceptors.


    Mechanoreceptors are protein receptors that are responsible for chemical and hormonal signals, regulating the stress response, mechanical lode, and new bone deposits in osteocytes during bone remodeling.

    Osteo blasts and osteoclasts are also play role in bone remodeling. The mechanoreceptor is s a sensory receptor that responds to mechanical pressure or distortion.

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