which of the following choices lists the correct values of a,h, and k for the function f(x)=5x^2


which of the following choices lists the correct values of a,h, and k for the function f(x)=5x^2

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Dulcie 3 years 2021-08-30T17:13:29+00:00 1 Answers 30 views 0

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    For a general quadratic equation like:

    y = a*x^2 + b*x + c

    a is the leading coefficient.

    And we define the vertex of this as (h, k)

    Where h is:

    h = -b/(2*a)

    and k is the y-value given when we use x = h.

    Now, in this case we have:

    f(x) = 5*x^2

    We can see that the leading coefficient is 5, then a = 5.

    To find the value of h we use:

    h = -b/(2*a)

    there is no lineal term, thus b = 0, then:

    h = -0/(2*5) = -0/10 = 0

    and k is given by

    f(h) = f(0) = 5*0^2 = 0

    then k = 0.


    a = 5

    h = 0

    k = 0

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