When solution A was mixed with solution B, the solution turned cloudy, the test tube did not feel warm, and there were no visible bubbles. I


When solution A was mixed with solution B, the solution turned cloudy, the test tube did not feel warm, and there were no visible bubbles. Identify the reaction type.Group of answer choicesprecipitationgas evolvingneutralizationno reactioncombustion

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Thông Đạt 3 years 2021-07-30T08:28:14+00:00 1 Answers 13 views 0

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    Precipitation reaction


    Given that solution A was mixed with solution B, the solution turned cloudy. The test is not warm and no bubbles visible. This means that the precipiate is formed.

    The concept is when two colourless solutions react to form a cloudy precipitate that settles at bottom of a solution then the reaction is said to be a precipitation reaction.

    An example can be the Reaction of Silver nitrate with common salt.

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