When separated by distance d, identically charged point-like objects A and B exert a force of magnitude F on each other. If you reduce the c


When separated by distance d, identically charged point-like objects A and B exert a force of magnitude F on each other. If you reduce the charge of A to one-fourth its original value, and the charge of B to one-fourth, and reduce the distance between the objects by half, what will be the new force that they exert on each other in terms of force F

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Huyền Thanh 3 years 2021-08-14T20:12:34+00:00 1 Answers 85 views 0

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      F ’= F 0.25


    This problem refers to the electric force, which is described by Coulomb’s law

            F = k q₁ q₂ / r²

    where k is the Coulomb constant, q the charges and r the separation between them.

    The initial conditions are

           F = k q_A q_B / d²

    they indicate that the loads are reduced to ¼ q and the distance is reduced to ½ d

           F ’= k (q / 4 q / 4) / (0.5 d)²

           F ’= k q / 16 / 0.25 d²

           F ’= k q² / d²    0.0625 / 0.25

           F ’= F 0.25

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