when Heather swings on a swing set she moves in a periodic motion like a pendulum she has a mass of 62 kg if Heather has a maximum height of


when Heather swings on a swing set she moves in a periodic motion like a pendulum she has a mass of 62 kg if Heather has a maximum height of 1.2 M what is her maximum velocity? ​

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Tài Đức 3 years 2021-08-24T02:52:34+00:00 1 Answers 6 views 0

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    U Max velocity= Potential energy= kinetic energy

    The potential energy is the product of mass * acceleration due to gravity * height

    The kinetic energy is the product of 1/2 mass* square of velocity.

    Max Velocity=mgh= 1/2mv^2

    Mass is given as 62kg, height =1.2m and g= 9.8m/s^2

    62kg* 9.8m/s^2*1.2= 1/2*62kg* v^2


    V^2= 729.12/31 =23.52

    V^2=square root of 23.52

    V= 4.85m/s

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