What single transformation can take you from A (3, 1) to A” (-7, 1) in one move? Whoever helps me I will mark


What single transformation can take you from A (3, 1) to A” (-7, 1) in one move?

Whoever helps me I will mark brainlest! 🙂

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Tài Đức 3 years 2021-07-18T23:03:49+00:00 1 Answers 6 views 0

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    Answer: A reflection (Across the y-axis)

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Transformation possiblitites:

    Translation: After plotting the points you gave I came to the conclusion that a translation could not be the right transformation due to the fact that the point would move away the same units on a graph as the original point.

    Rotation: The new point doesn’t seem when graphed to have rotated, as it remained across from the orignial point on the graph.

    Dilation: The new point if dilated wouldn’t be in close proximity with the original point.

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