What is the maximum flow rate of water in a smooth pipe 8.0 cm diameter if the flow is to be laminar


What is the maximum flow rate of water in a smooth pipe 8.0 cm diameter if the flow is to be laminar

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Diễm Kiều 3 years 2021-09-03T01:37:28+00:00 1 Answers 80 views 0

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    0.05 m/s


    We start by finding the average velocity of water in the pipe. This is done by saying

    R(e) = ρv(avg)d/μ


    R(e) = Reynolds number, and that’s 2000

    ρ = Density of water, 1000 kg/m³

    μ = Viscosity of water, 10^-3

    d = diameter of pipe

    v(avg) = average velocity

    Since we’re interested in average velocity, we make v(avg) the subject of formula. So that

    V(avg) = R(e).μ/ρ.d

    V(avg) = 2000 * 10^-3 / 1000 * 0.08

    V(avg) = 2 / 80

    V(avg) = 0.025 m/s

    The maximum flow rate of water in the pipe usually is twice the average velocity, and as such

    V(max) = 2 * V(avg)

    V(max) = 2 * 0.025

    V(max) = 0.05 m/s

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