What conclusion can be made for c and e? Triangle ABC has side AB measuring c, side BC measuring 4 units, and angle ACB measuring 36 and a h


What conclusion can be made for c and e? Triangle ABC has side AB measuring c, side BC measuring 4 units, and angle ACB measuring 36 and a half degrees. Triangle ABC is connected to triangle ACD by shared side AC. Triangle ACD has side AD measuring e and angle ACD measuring 27 and 8 tenths degrees. Segments BC, AC, and DC are marked congruent. c ≥ e c ≤ e c > e c < e

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Hải Đăng 3 years 2021-09-05T08:43:51+00:00 1 Answers 115 views 0

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    The answer is C<E i just took the test and it was correct.

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