Water flows through a horizontal pipe (from a wider area to narrow area section) and then out into the atmosphere at a speed v1 15 m/s. The


Water flows through a horizontal pipe (from a wider area to narrow area section) and then out into the atmosphere at a speed v1 15 m/s. The diameters of the wide and narrow sections of the pipe are 5.0 cm and 3.0 cm.
What volume of water flows into the atmosphere during a 10 min period?

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Adela 3 years 2021-08-26T05:55:23+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    V = 6.36 m³


    For this exercise we will use fluid mechanics relations, starting with the continuity equation.

    Let’s write the flow equation

            Q = v₁ A₁


    The area of ​​a circle is

            A = π r²

    Radius is half the diameter

            A = π/4  d²

            Q = v₁ π/4 d₁²

            Q = π/ 4 15 0.03 2

            Q = 0.0106 m3 / s

    The volume of water in t = 10 min = 10 60 = 600 s

            Q = V / t

            V = Q t

             V = 0.0106 600

              V = 6.36 m³

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