Two tuning forks having frequencies of 460 and 464 Hz are struck simultaneously. What average frequency will you hear, and what will the bea


Two tuning forks having frequencies of 460 and 464 Hz are struck simultaneously. What average frequency will you hear, and what will the beat frequency be

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Diễm Kiều 3 years 2021-07-31T18:04:10+00:00 1 Answers 39 views 0

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    462Hz, 4Hz


    The average frequency heard would be 462 Hz because that is the average between the two and we do not hear one note more than another so the average is 462 Hz. (460+464)/2 = 462Hz. The beat frequency is basically the difference between frequencies, so our beat frequency is 464-460=4Hz.

    Hope this helped!

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