Trucks can be run on energy stored in a rotating flywheel, with an electric motor getting the flywheel up to its top speed of 200p rad/s. Su


Trucks can be run on energy stored in a rotating flywheel, with an electric motor getting the flywheel up to its top speed of 200p rad/s. Suppose that one such flywheel is a solid, uniform cylinder with a mass of 500 kg and a radius of 1.0 m.(a) What is the kinetic energy of the flywheel after charging

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Diễm Thu 3 years 2021-08-28T07:01:28+00:00 2 Answers 10 views 0

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    Radius, r = 1 m

    Mass, m = 500 kg

    w = 200 rad/s

    Moment of inertia for a dolid symmetric cylinder, I = 1/2 × mr^2

    KE = 1/2 × I × w^2


    KE = 1/4 × m × w^2 × r ^2

    = 1/4 × 500 × 200^2 × 1^2

    = 5.0 × 10^6 J.



    The kinetic energy of the flywheel is 5000kJ.


    We have that the moment of inertia of a solid and uniform cylinder is equal to:

    I=\frac{1}{2} mR^{2}

    Where m is the mass of the cylinder and R its radius.

    Next, the rotational kinetic energy of an object rotating about an axis is given by:

    K_R=\frac{1}{2} I\omega^{2}

    Where ω is the angular velocity. From these two equations, we can derive that:

    K_R=\frac{1}{4} mR^{2} \omega^{2}

    Plugging the given values in this equation, we obtain:


    In words, the kinetic energy of the flywheel is 5000kJ.

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