Trapezoid JKLM with vertices J(-6, 6), K(-3, 7), L(-1, 3), and M(-8, 0): (x, y) = (x + 7, y – 3)


Trapezoid JKLM with vertices J(-6, 6), K(-3, 7),
L(-1, 3), and M(-8, 0): (x, y) = (x + 7, y – 3)

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Helga 3 years 2021-08-05T07:13:17+00:00 1 Answers 38 views 0

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    J' =(1, 3)

    K' = (4,4)

    L' = (6,0)

    M' = (-1,-3)

    Step-by-step explanation:


    J = (-6,6)

    K = (-3,7)

    L= (-1,3)

    M = (-8,0)

    Transformation: (x,y) = (x+7,y-3)

    This means that, we add 7 to the x coordinate and subtract 3 from the y coordinate.

    For J, we have:

    J = (-6,6)

    J' =(-6 + 7, 6 - 3)

    J' =(1, 3)

    For K, we have:

    K = (-3,7)

    K' = (-3+7,7-3)

    K' = (4,4)

    For L, we have:

    L= (-1,3)

    L' = (-1 + 7,3-3)

    L' = (6,0)

    For M, we have:

    M = (-8,0)

    M' = (-8+7,0-3)

    M' = (-1,-3)

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