Three long parallel wires, each carrying 20 A in the same direction, are placed in the same plane with the spacing of 10 cm. What is the mag


Three long parallel wires, each carrying 20 A in the same direction, are placed in the same plane with the spacing of 10 cm. What is the magnitude of net force per metre on central wire?

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Orla Orla 3 years 2021-09-03T18:59:05+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    F/L =  8*10^-4 N/m


    To calculate the magnitude of the force per meter in the central wire, you take into account the contribution to the force of the others two wires:

    F_N=F_{1,2}+F_{2,3}   (1)

    F1,2 : force between first and second wire

    F2,3 : force between second and third wire

    The force per meter between two wires of the same length is given by:

    \frac{F}{L}=\frac{\mu_oI_1I_2}{2\pi r}

    μo: magnetic permeability of vacuum =  4pi*10^-7 T/A

    r: distance between wires

    Then, you have in the equation (1):

    \frac{F_N}{L}=\frac{\mu_oI_1I_2}{2\pi r}+\frac{\mu_oI_2I_3}{2\pi r}\\\\\frac{F_N}{L}=\frac{\mu_oI_1}{2\pi r}[I_2+I_3]


    I1 = I2 = I3 = 10A

    r = 10cm = 0.1m

    You replace the values of the currents and the distance r and you obtain:

    \frac{F_N}{L}=\frac{\mu_oI^2}{\pi r}\\\\\frac{F_N}{L}=\frac{(4\pi*10^{-7}T/A)(20A)^2}{2\pi (0.1m)}=8*10^{-4}\frac{N}{m}

    hence, the net force per meter is 8*10^-4 N/m

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