This problem uses the statistical postulate to address diffusion. Consider eight particles, 4 black and 4 white. The particles are in a liqu
This problem uses the statistical postulate to address diffusion. Consider eight particles, 4 black and 4 white. The particles are in a liquid with two halves separated by a permeable membrane, so each particle can be either on the left or the right of the membrane. According to the statistical postulate, every arrangement of the 8 particles is equally likely. Arrangements can be summarized according to which particles are on the left and which on the right, with the membrane represented by a vertical line |. Some possible arrangements are: BBBBWWWW, BWBW|BWBW, and WWW|BBW. How many different arrangements are there?
in progress
4 years
2021-07-22T00:01:28+00:00 1 Answers
Answers ( )
There are 362,880 different arrangements.
Step-by-step explanation:
Arrangements of n elements:
The number of possible arrangements of n elements is given by:
In this question:
Arrangements of 8 particles, plus the membrane, for which there are 9 possible positivos.
How many different arrangements are there?
There are 362,880 different arrangements.