The sides of a number cube are labeled 1 through 6. Suppose you toss the cube 600 times. About how many times would you expect t


The sides of a number cube are labeled 1 through 6.
Suppose you toss the cube 600 times. About how many times
would you expect the cube to land on 1?

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RobertKer 3 years 2021-08-14T17:31:51+00:00 1 Answers 6 views 0

Answers ( )



    100 times for 1

    Step-by-step explanation:

    If the cube is a fair one, you would expect it to land on each number about 1/6 of the time. Since 1 is one of the faces, you would expect to land on it 1/6 of the time.


    So any number should land 100 times

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