The school newspaper surveyed 100 commuter students and asked three questions. First, students were asked how many courses they were current


The school newspaper surveyed 100 commuter students and asked three questions. First, students were asked how many courses they were currently enrolled in. Second, the commuter students were asked to estimate how long it took them to drive to campus. And third, they were asked their heights. Identify the type of random variable being measured by each.

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Mít Mít 3 years 2021-08-26T08:31:06+00:00 1 Answers 30 views 0

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    The number of courses they were currently enrolled in is a discrete random variable.

    The time it took them to drive to campus is a continuous random variable.

    Their heights is a continuous random variable.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Random variables:

    Random variables can be classified as continuous or discrete.

    Discrete variables are countable numbers(0,1,2,…), while continuous variables can assume decimal values.

    First, students were asked how many courses they were currently enrolled in.

    Can be 0,1,2,… that is, has to be a countable number, so the number of courses they were currently enrolled in is a discrete random variable.

    Second, the commuter students were asked to estimate how long it took them to drive to campus.

    Can be for example, 10.5 minutes, half an hour, that is, can be represented by decimal values, and thus the time it took them to drive to campus is a continuous random variable.

    And third, they were asked their heights.

    Can also be decimal numbers, so continuous.

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