The ratio of the number of adults to the number of children at a concert is 5 to 3. If there is a total of 120 people at the concert, how ma


The ratio of the number of adults to the number of children at a concert is 5 to 3. If there is a total of 120 people at the concert, how many are children?

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Hưng Khoa 3 years 2021-08-21T20:49:06+00:00 2 Answers 0 views 0

Answers ( )


    There are 45 children. Add together your ratio numbers (5+3=8). Since there are 5 adults in ratio with 3 children, we will make a fraction of 5/8 divided by 120. We would get 75. 120-75 is 45. Our new ratio of adults to children is 75:45.



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