The price of an item decreased by 20% to $200. Then later the price decreased again from $200 to $150. What is the percent of decrease from


The price of an item decreased by 20% to $200. Then later the price decreased again from $200 to $150. What is the percent of decrease from the original price to the final price $150?​

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Gerda 3 years 2021-07-29T20:05:02+00:00 1 Answers 11 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    ok so first find the og price:

    100% – 20% = 80%

    so 80% = 200

    let the 100% be x:

    x * 0.8 = 200

    x= 250

    100% = 250

    (difference/ og price) * 100% = the percentage decrease/ increase

    (250-150/250)* 100% = 40%


    ((the final price/ og price) * 100%) – 100%

    ((150/250)*100%) – 100% = 40%

    There was a 40% decrease from the og price to the final price of 150.

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