The power lines are at a high potential relative to the ground, so there is an electric field between the power lines and the ground. To max


The power lines are at a high potential relative to the ground, so there is an electric field between the power lines and the ground. To maximize the potential difference between one end of the fluorescent tube and the other, how should the tube be held

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-08-16T22:14:27+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    The tube should be held vertically, perpendicular to the ground.


    As the power lines  of ground are equal, so its electrical field is perpendicular to the ground and the equipotential surface is cylindrical. Therefore, if we put the position fluorescent tube parallel to the ground so the both ends of the tube lie on the same equipotential surface and the difference is zero when its  potential.

    And the ends of the tube must be on separate equipotential surfaces to optimize potential. The surface near the power line has a greater potential value and the surface farther from the line has a lower potential value, so the tube must be placed perpendicular to the floor to maximize the potential difference.

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