The period of a wave is 20 ms (milliseconds) and its wavelength is 4 cm. Calculate: a) The frequency of the wave b)


The period of a wave is 20 ms (milliseconds) and its wavelength is 4 cm. Calculate:

a) The frequency of the wave

b) The velocity of the wave. ​

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King 3 years 2021-08-09T13:57:53+00:00 1 Answers 126 views 0

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    A. 50 Hz

    B. 2 m/s


    We’ll begin by converting 20 ms to s. This can be obtained as follow:

    1000 ms = 1 s


    20 ms = 20 ms × 1 s / 1000 ms

    20 ms = 0.02 s

    Next, we shall convert the value of the wavelength (i.e 4cm) to m. This can be obtained as follow:

    100 cm = 1 m


    4 cm = 4 cm × 1 m / 100 cm

    4 cm = 0.04 m

    A. Determination of the frequency.

    Period (T) = 0.02 s

    Frequency (f) =?

    f = 1 / T

    f = 1 / 0.02

    f = 50 Hz

    Therefore, the frequency of the wave is 50 Hz

    B. Determination of the velocity.

    Wavelength (λ) = 0.04 m

    Frequency (f) = 50 Hz

    Velocity (v) =?

    v = λf

    V = 0.04 × 50

    v = 2 m/s

    Therefore, the velocity of the wave is 2 m/s

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