The original price of a book is $25. The book is on sale for 30% off. What percent of the price are we paying? What is the price you w


The original price of a book is $25. The book is on sale for 30% off.
What percent of the price are we paying? What is the price you will pay
for the book?

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Thu Thủy 3 years 2021-09-04T06:57:26+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    You will pay 70% of the original price. You will pay $17.50

    Step-by-step explanation:

    100% is full price because 100%=1 (one whole).

    100% – 30% = 70%

    70% = 0.7

    0.7 multiplied by $25 is $17.50

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