The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported the percentage of traffic accidents occurring each day of the week. Assume that


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported the percentage of traffic accidents occurring each day of the week. Assume that a sample of accidents provided the following data. Sunday= 64, Monday=53, Tuesday=55, Wednesday=49, Thursday=55, Friday=68, Saturday=76. Conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the proportion of traffic accidents is the same for each day of the week. What is the -value? Compute the value of the test statistic (to 3 decimals).

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Lệ Thu 3 years 2021-08-28T06:18:28+00:00 1 Answers 40 views 0

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    Test statistic X^{2} = 9.269.  

    p value = 0.148


    Sunday=  15.23%, Monday= 12.62%, Tuesday= 13.10%, Wednesday=11.67%,

    Thursday= 13.10%, Friday= 16.19%, Saturday= 18.09%.

    Step-by-step explanation:


                        relative observed    Expected       Chi square

    Category   frequency(p)      O_{i}    Ei=total*p    (O-E)^{2} R^{2}_{i} =(O_{i} -E_{i} )^{2} /E_{i}

         1           0.142857143      64.0         60.00    16.00          0.267

        2           0.142857143      53.0       60.00     49.00         0.817

        3           0.142857143      55.0         60.00     25.00        0.417

        4           0.142857143      49.0       60.00     121.00        2.017

        5           0.142857143      55.0         60.00     25.00        0.417

        6           0.142857143      68.0         60.00     64.00        1.067

        7           0.142857143      76.0         60.00    256.00        4.267

      Total         1.000      420        420             556       9.269

    Test statistic X^{2} = 9.269.  

    p value = 0.148 from excel: chidist(9.269,6)  


    Percentage %= Frequency of traffic occur on category x 100 / Total number of frequency given.

    Category          Percentage%

    Sunday                   15.23%

    Monday                    12.62%

    Tuesday                   13.10%

    Wednesday           11.67%

    Thursday           13.10%

    Friday                   16.19%

    Saturday                   18.09%

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