The diameter of a circle is 22 miles. What is the circle’s area? Use 3.14 for pi.. Single choice. 1,519.76 miles sq.


The diameter of a circle is 22 miles. What is the circle’s area? Use 3.14 for pi.. Single choice.

1,519.76 miles sq.

379.94 miles sq.

69.08 miles sq.

1,520 miles sq.

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Trung Dũng 3 years 2021-08-06T19:05:31+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    379.94 mi²

    Step-by-step explanation:

    The area of a circle can be figured out with this formula: πr² (3.14 is π here, as it says in the directions).

    We know the diameter is 22 miles. Divide that by 2 to get a radius of 11 miles.

    The equation now becomes


    11 squared is 121.


    I recommend splitting the 121 into 100, 20, and 1.

    (3.14 * 100) + (3.14 * 20) + (3.14 * 1)

    Multiply 3.14 by 100, 20, and 1.

    314 + 62.8 + 3.14

    Add 314 and 62.8.

    376.8 + 3.14

    Add 376.8 and 3.14

    379.94 mi² is the area of a circle with a 22-mile diameter.

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