The current flow to a transformer’s primary circuit measures 16 amps. The transsformer’s secondary current measures 80 amps. What the transf


The current flow to a transformer’s primary circuit measures 16 amps. The transsformer’s secondary current measures 80 amps. What the transformer’s turns ratio?

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Khang Minh 3 years 2021-08-23T13:08:32+00:00 1 Answers 18 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    The transformer formula is as expressed as

    Ns/Np= Ip/Is

    Ns and Np are the number of turns in the secondary and primary coil respectively

    is and Ip are the currents in the secondary and primary coil respectively

    Given the following

    Ip = 16A

    Is = 80A

    Substitute into the formula

    Ns/Np = 16/80

    Ns/Np = 1/5

    Hence the transformer’s turn ratio is 1/5

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