The city of Raleigh has 10000 registered voters. There are two candidates for city council in an upcoming election: Brown and Feliz. The day


The city of Raleigh has 10000 registered voters. There are two candidates for city council in an upcoming election: Brown and Feliz. The day before the election, a telephone poll of 200 randomly selected registered voters was conducted. 72 said they’d vote for Brown, 118 said they’d vote for Feliz, and 10 were undecided. Give the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they’d vote for Brown. Note: The proportion should be a fraction or decimal, not a percent.

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-09-04T15:25:27+00:00 1 Answers 3 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given, There Are 10000 Registered Voters in a City & Two Candidates Brown & Felix .

    The Day Before Election , A Telephonic Poll Of 200 Randomly Registered Voters Was Conducted .

    72 said they would vote for Brown , 118 Said they would vote for felix & 10 Were Undicided .

    Now, The sample statistic is the number who would vote for Brown divided by the total number in the sample, or 72/200 = 0.36    

    & To Find How Many of 10000 voters to vote Brown Just Multiply 0.36 With 10000 ⇔ 0.36×10000=3600

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