T(p)=(p-0.5)(1000/1-p^2) p∈{0.5,∞) Find all the critical points. b- Find Extreme values and Absolute Extreme values.


Find all the critical points.
b- Find Extreme values and Absolute Extreme values.
c- Determine the behavior of function in the given interval.
d- What happened as p tends to infinity i.e.

e- Sketch the graph using information from a to d points.

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-08-14T04:45:43+00:00 1 Answers 3 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    T’ = 1000(p^2 – 1 + 1)/(p^2-1)^2

    (a) since T’ is never zero, there are no maxima or minima.

    However, there are asymptotes at p = -1 and p=1

    (b) no extremes

    (c) on [0.5,1) T increases to ∞

    on (1,∞) T increases from -∞ to 0

    (d) y=0 is the horizontal asymptote

    there are lots of handy online graphing sites.

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