Soda is often sold in 20 ounce bottles. A pack of sugar (the kind they have at restaurants for your coffee or tea) typically contains 4 gram


Soda is often sold in 20 ounce bottles. A pack of sugar (the kind they have at restaurants for your coffee or tea) typically contains 4 grams of sugar. If an 8 ounce bottle of cream soda has 30 grams of sugar, then drinking a 20 ounce bottle of cream soda would be equivalent to eating how many packets of sugar?

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Doris 3 years 2021-08-28T06:32:09+00:00 1 Answers 58 views 0

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    18.75 packs of sugar

    Step-by-step explanation:

    20/8 = 2.5 (how many 8 ounce bottles in 20 oz)

    2.5 * 30 = 75 (to find how many grams of sugar in the 20 oz bottle)

    75/4 = 18.75 (how many packs of sugar it’s equal to)

    you can also use a ratio to solve:

    8/30 = 20/x; cross multiply

    600 = 8x; divide 8 on both sides

    x = 75

    75/4 = 18.74 (how many packs of sugar it’s equal to)

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