Se ha quemado magnesio (reacción con el oxígeno) y se obtuvieron 12g de óxido de magnesio (II). ¿Cuánto magnesio se quemó? ¿Qué volumen de o


Se ha quemado magnesio (reacción con el oxígeno) y se obtuvieron 12g de óxido de magnesio (II). ¿Cuánto magnesio se quemó? ¿Qué volumen de oxígeno medido en condiciones normales se quemó?

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Thiên Thanh 3 years 2021-07-16T06:26:24+00:00 1 Answers 3 views 0

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    The first answer is 7,24g Mg

    The second answer is 3,36L O2


    Atomic masses: Mg= 24,3 ; O=16

    Solution: MMgO = 40,3 g/mol

    2 Mg + O2 => 2 MgO

    1) 12 g MgO x (2×24,3 g Mg / 2x 40,3 MgO) = 7,24 g Mg


    At  first calculate moles from Oxygen:

    12 g MgO x ( 1 mol from Oxygen/ 2 x 40,3 g MgO ) = 0,15 moles from Oxygen

    then ….

    0,15 moles from Oxygen x (22,4 lts / 1 mol from Oxygen ) = 3,36 lts

    22.4 liters is the constant that we use in this equation, it is a value that is repeated since we are in the presence of a gas with ideal behavior, so it is considered that the normal molar volume of ideal gaseous substances is always 22.4 liters, estimated with a temperature of 0º C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. (constant temperature and pressure)

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