Root hair 3 The root hair was viewed at a magnification of x50 The image length of the root hair X-Y is 43 mm


Root hair
The root hair was viewed at a magnification of x50
The image length of the root hair X-Y is 43 mm

Calculate the real length of the root hair in micrometres (um).

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Khoii Minh 4 years 2021-07-19T07:31:37+00:00 1 Answers 3 views 0

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    Answer:Lisa, an experienced shipping clerk, can fill a certain order in 9 hours. Felipe, a new clerk, needs 10 hours to do the same job. Working together, how long will it take them to fill the order?Lisa, an experienced shipping clerk, can fill a certain order in 9 hours. Felipe, a new clerk, needs 10 hours to do the same job. Working together, how long will it take them to fill the order?

    Explanation:Lisa, an experienced shipping clerk, can fill a certain order in 9 hours. Felipe, a new clerk, needs 10 hours to do the same job. Working together, how long will it take them to fill the order?

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )