Robert, Barry, and Lucy all compete in the pole vault for their high school track team. The height of Robert’s best pole vault in a competit


Robert, Barry, and Lucy all compete in the pole vault for their high school track team. The height of Robert’s best pole vault in a competition is 1 and 1/6 times the height of Barry’s best pole vault, and Barry’s best pole vault is 8/9 times the height of Lucy’s pole vault. The height of Lucy’s pole vault is 12 feet, 4 and 1/2 inches.
a) Write an equation that shows how you can find the height of Barry’s best pole vault.
b) Solve the equation in part (a) to determine the height of Barry’s best pole vault.
c) Write an equation that shows how you can find the height of Robert’s best pole vault.
d) Solve the equation in part (c) to determine the height of Robert’s best pole vault.
e) How many times Lucy’s best pole vault was Robert’s best pole vault?

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Hồng Cúc 3 years 2021-08-12T12:42:46+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

Answers ( )


    lucy = 148.5 inches

    barry = 8/9L

    robert = 7/6B

    a) barry = 8/9(148.5)

    b) 132 inches

    c) 7/6[8/9(148.5 inches)]

    d) 154 inches

    =28/27 times lucy

    Hope you Enjoy!

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